Thursday, 23 September 2010

Sold an image of New York City.

The other week I sold an image to a travel site called Haute Compass, they just launched their website this Monday so please take a look at what they have to offer that can be suitable for you.
This is the image I sold.
This got me thinking that I need to change my own website a little bit, I want to add a gallery where people and companies can buy my images that they see straight from the website with paypal. I have had these thoughts a long time I have even started a few times with different kinds of designs but never finished I never could decide upon which design I liked best, as well as its been a bit daunting to get all my images together and categorize them etc.
But I have now picked up again on one of my old designs and started to finalize it. It wont be changed just yet. Don't worry of course I will let you guys know when the new one is up and running.
In the meantime you can look at my current web page for information,
Below I have added a few more New York images that I have taken.
I guess no one can buy images off you if they do not know you have them!
If there are any images on this blog or on my website that you like and would like to query how much they are to buy please do not hesitate to contact me with an email or email me a description of what you are looking for and I will send you a few sample images that fit your description, that is exactly what Haute Compass did it could work out for you too!
Take care for now.
I guess I better get back to my website design.... :-)

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