Sunday, 27 September 2009

Changing the composition of a photograph

Sometimes when you are on a photo shoot you are presented with photo opportunities that you just cant miss but if you had planned it you would have changed a few things like in the photograph below we had the scene set up for two golfers putting on the green. But before we had started to shoot that scene a camel rider came by. I took a few pictures of them walking by. Now when you look at the composition of the golf bag I was wishing that it was facing inwards the photograph and not out so that the viewers eyes are not drawn out of the picture but rather in towards the camel rider.  So since this shot was not planned the golf bag is facing the wrong direction if I would do it again I would turn the bag and also direct the camel rider into a different position in the photograph. But a quick fix of a photograph like this is to copy and mirror the part of the image you want to turn in photoshop. Which I did here, below I have posted both pictures so that you can see the before and after of what I did. I could also have changed the position of the camel rider in photoshop but to me this time it was not necessary for this picture to work. But it is definitively doable with not too much effort if you are familiar with photoshop.
Picture above is of the final image after I have changed the position of the golf bag.
This is the before picture.

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